A first-time DUI triggers 12-month license suspension if your blood alcohol content was. Depending on the state you live in, you may incur a suspension for a different amount of points. What happens if you get caught driving with a suspended license in Indiana? Minimizing the Impact of a DUI License Suspension In most states, a motorist can get a " hardship license " for driving to and from places like work and school during the suspension period. If the offense includes a charge of serious harm, then the revocation could be as long as three years. How long does a suspension stay on your driving record in Florida? How Long Can Your License Be Suspended For Refusing A Breath Test In Florida? Attend the DUI hearing and present your case. For a second DUI conviction within a five-year period, the driver's car will be impounded for at least 30 days. You'll have to pay the reinstatement fee before you can receive a hardship license. Lauderdale Underage License Suspension Attorney. A Letter of Guidance from the Florida Real Estate Commission can be given to companies. The Ins and Outs of License Suspension.08 DUI Legislation. A second or subsequent DUI is subject to license suspension for 12 or 18 months. Generally, a motorist must complete a "hard suspension" of 30 to 45 days-during which no driving is allowed-before obtaining a hardship license. If you have questions about a driver's license suspension or DUI case, please contact the law offices of attorney Kevin J.

On this page, we have gathered for you the most accurate and comprehensive information that will fully answer the question: How long do you lose your license for a dui in florida? If your BAC was greater than 0.15, you may face a DUI license suspension of one year or more.

With your first DUI conviction, your license may be suspended for 180 days to 1 year. Instead, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles will send you a notice after the fact.